
Dear body

Kategori: Allmänt

Dear stomach,
I’m sorry that I breed butterflies in you. I don’t mean to. It’s just that you kind of warm up like an incubator when certain people are around and all the caterpillars kind of just, well, evolve.

Dear head,
I’m sorry for keeping you constantly busy and causing traffic jams on a regular basis. It’s just that when I’m standing at a crossroad all my decision-agony kicks in at the same time and there are just too many choices and I blank out.

Dear heart,
I’m sorry for making you run a lifetime marathon involving shorter sprints that make me out of breathe and then just come to a full halt. It’s just that I like to keep you on your toes.

Dear hands,
I’m sorry for neglecting you the touch and texture of other people’s skin.  

Dear fingers,
I’m sorry for keeping you away from the act of entwining with others fingers.

Dear knees,
I’m sorry for giving you bruises and cuts from all the constant falling down I do. I guess I’m just clumsy and reckless and don’t watch what I’m doing half of the time. The other half is used to being too scared to move. And when you don’t move it’s easy to not stumble. But then I feel stuck. And I’ve never liked the feeling of being stuck. So I keep on moving. And falling. So, yeah, sorry about that.

Dear lips,
I’m sorry for denying you the pleasure of pressure. You are cracked, chapped and crooked as a way of punishing me.  You’re angry with me for not rubbing you raw against three-day-old stubble and stinging from cheap, store-brought aftershave.

Dear cheeks,
I’m sorry for always making you run a few hundred degrees hotter than normal.

Dear blood stream,
I’m sorry for all the adrenaline rushes, hot flushes and small-time crushes. I work you overtime and your get underpaid. Not much more that needs to be said about that. Expect the I’m sorry part of it all.

Dear all my body parts,
I’m sorry for not treating you better. I owe you all a lot. Thanks for functioning anyway. Thanks for understanding the way of gravity and for keeping me vertical when everything tends to slid horizontally. Thanks for keeping me updated on all my functions, aches and limbs. Thanks for being totally totally awesome.



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